Saturday, March 10, 2012

VizeL : Nachi [VizeL Dr.] has Departed

"It was a lot of eyes have a child to cry for yourself when you play live after the fateful announcement.

I do not know how correct this expression,

Thank you very much for your crying like this.

Has continued to reckless driving for two years from launch until now VizeL.

College dropped out of school was bowing to the parent,

I would like to both members and this life.

I am proud that my heart was two years in Fight VizeL were higher but that it was painfulvariety.

Two years passed so quickly was concentrated in two years' s words can not expressenough now in retrospect.

I Have you ever written in this blog before,

"End of life is the end of VizeL"

Child has been hard so far in this thought.

I think I'll keep it until the last stage can not write when I try to write that the thinking now.

I have attempted to lay out hard more than ever to March 26.

So is a last-ditch call from 那池 VizeL.

I want to make the best views of everyone on March 26.

Waiting at the Astro Hall and everyone is also a child of the regional children overseas."

Nachi will Departed after live in Harajuku Astro Hall , 26 March 2012

Credit : Dini Kuroshaki
Source : Nachi Ameba

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