Thursday, May 10, 2012

Golden Bomber: Kiryuuin Shou Releasing Autobiography

Kiryuuin Shou Releasing Autobiography

Kiryuuin Shou, vocalist of Visual Kei air band Golden Bomber, announced the release of his own book!
It’s titled “Golden Bomber no vocal da kedo nani ka shitsumon aru?” (engl.: “I am the vocalist of Golden Bomber, any questions?”) and costs 1800 Yen. The release date is set for June 20th – Kiryuuin Shou’s 28th birthday. According to his blog the book is an autobiography but it’s written by the vocalist himself.
Back in February bandmember Darvish Kenji relased his book “Best of Obama Blog” that includes the drummer’s blog entries as well as photos.
Source: JpopAsia

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